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Legal Surveying | Southern Alberta

Surveyor Engineer


We help land owners with urban and rural subdivision surveys. We help you through the entire process.  We prepare:

• Conceptual Design Schemes
• Tentative plans of subdivision
• Subdivision applications
• Sketches showing improvement locations
• Sketches showing locations of abandoned wells
• Final plans of survey
• Prepare legal descriptions for easements, transfers of land
• Utility right-of-way plans
• Access right-of-way plans

Our firm has been providing Real Property Reports (RPR) and RPR updates throughout Southern Alberta since 1988. We can also assist in obtaining a letter of compliance from the local municipality on your behalf

•    Existing homes
•    Industrial buildings
•    Newly constructed homes
•    Commercial buildings


Contact Our Office for a quote on completing your RPR.

We offer a number of preliminary design and layout services to assist in your new construction, or addition.


We can prepare: Pocket plans, plot plans, site plans, existing grade plans, real property reports, and as-built grade certificates


We can assist in the calculations and layout for: Building corners and offsets, piles, grid lines, grades, utilities, curbing and hard surfaces.

Contact our Construction manager for all your construction inquiries.

We mark your property boundaries the limits of any utility rights-of-way


We can assist in determining the boundaries of your parcel and delineation of those boundaries.

Contact a Land Surveyor and they will work with you to determine what you need marked out and how you would like it marked.

We provide survey services for all easements and rights-of-way.

•    Individual Ownership Plans (IOP’s)
•    Crossing Sketches
•    Legal Survey Plans

We can assist with legal descriptions for easement agreements
We can assist in marking out boundaries of URW’s
We can assist in preparing as-built surveys after construction

Contact a Land Surveyor

We have been involved in many different types of condominium projects:

•    Bare Land Condominium Subdivisions
•    Building Condominiums
•    Condominium conversions of existing building
•    New Condominium Construction


Contact a Land Surveyor and they will work with you to determine what your options are to complete your project.

We provide survey services for engineering design and layout.  We prepare:

•    Topographic Surveys
•    Site Surveys

We can assist you with any surveying services you need to complete your project 

Contact a Land Surveyor and they will work with you to determine what your options are to complete your project.

We can help you geo-reference your project

Contact a Land Surveyor and they will work with you to determine what your options are to complete your project.

We utilize terrestrial laser scanning to efficiently capture accurate as-built information in a non-obtrusive way. This data can be utilized for:

• As-built 2D and 3D models

• Project management 

• Documentation and verification of on-site conditions

• Monitoring 

• BOMA and Condominium surveys

• Architectural

We can assist you with any surveying services you need to complete your project 

We have expertise and latest survey equipment to provide high precision and monitoring surveys.

Contact a Land Surveyor to discuss how we can assist.

Our firm has worked alongside the Renewable Energy Industry to provide a single place for all surveying related services, including:

• Preliminary site surveys and plans

• Surface rights and title review

• Legal right-of-way surveys

• Construction layout surveying

• As-built surveys

Contact a Land Surveyor to discuss how we can assist.

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